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The Sainio Cast

Jan 31, 2013

... Or Why I'll Be Completely Let Down by The New Star Wars Movies.

So. I'll fully admit that I rant a little bit about this and that I probably sound absolutely insane here. But I wanted to do a similar list back in November, but it just happened.

I list off the stuff that I don't want to see in JJ Abram's Star Wars...

Jan 30, 2013

Having a little fun to lighten my mood of extreme over-anxiousness waiting for an OkCupid mesage.

Possibly based on true events.


All mail to or @RyanSainio -

Jan 29, 2013

By now some people may have heard of this, I DO NOT claim to have thought of this, but me and my friend Nate stumble upon the Star Wars: Machete Order and how it can create a better Star Wars watching experince, while allowing you to watch as many of the movies as possible. It also helps to add some twists!

I apologize...

Jan 28, 2013

Ryan comes back to The Sainio Cast with minor rant about being the local Keeper of Comic Geekdom and how super hero media is make everyone else think they have a clue when they really don't.

Questions are posed. Nothing gets resolved. And you listen. Sounds like a great return to form.


All mail to...

Jan 21, 2013

A brief poem about a story.