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The Sainio Cast

Oct 26, 2018

Setting up his next episode aimed at DC's The Witching Hour, Ryan quickly summarizes the events of Justice League Dark's first three issues. We have Wonder Woman, Zatanna, Swamp Thing, and Doctor Fate in this action-packed story that questions the order of DC's magic.


~ Ryan Sainio

Intro Music - "We Came Down"...

Oct 23, 2018

Ryan hopes out of The Speed Force to drop some thoughts about the series as a whole and also where he thinks the fifth season might be going in general.

No major spoilers for the series or the first two episodes of season five, but still an open discussion. What is Nora's true purpose? What does Cicada mean for the...

Oct 16, 2018

Ryan takes a moment to reflect on his understanding of Lovecraft. Just to see where the topic will take him.


~ Ryan Sainio

Intro Music - "We Came Down" fea. Thotem by Superpoze

Other Background Music - Shadow Man by Lobo Loco

and eRHoLuNG by Phillip...