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The Sainio Cast

Apr 30, 2013

Ryan talks about the Community episode Basic Human Anatomy as an example of what really makes the show great and how multiple viewings pulls back the curtain on just how good the actors are.


All mail to or @RyanSainio - iTunes


Apr 29, 2013

Today I discuss the Doctor Who episodes "Hide" & "Journey to the Centre of The Tardis".


All mail to or @RyanSainio -

Apr 24, 2013

In this episode, I take a moment to actually talk about his defense of The Journey being far more important than The Destination in the grand scheme of things. This is the episode you were probably really looking for when you were going into Episode 119, I just hadn't got there yet.


All mail to...

Apr 23, 2013

In a rare twist, Ryan makes a call to the Uncanny X-Cast and tries to weigh in on the topic of what one would do if they had the chance to live their life over with all their memories.

What would he do? How could everything change? Is Rob right? What really happened with Ms. Masked Hero?!

Find out in this edition of THE...

Apr 22, 2013

While reflecting back on a weekend at an anime convention, Ryan tells the story of his experience speed dating for the first time.


All mail to or @RyanSainio - iTunes

The RISE Of HERCULE 2: The Re-Risening...