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The Sainio Cast

Dec 31, 2014

In an effort to try to make more people love the two shows that over took Ryan's Christmas Vacation, today we touch quickly on the topic of Gravity Falls and Adventure Time.

The first season of Gravity Falls was amazing and the lore of Adventure Time is just beginning to show itself to me and I really want to dig in...

Dec 24, 2014

Tonight Ryan tries (hopefully for a final time) to cover the topic of what it takes to podcast; the mindset, the work ethic and the highs and lows.

A topic often returned to and hopefully, finally the way it should be for content and completion.


~ Ryan Sainio

Intro Music - "We Came Down" fea. Thotem by...

Dec 17, 2014

In celebration of escaping the pizza delivery industry, I deliver to you a Top 5 about some of the dumb things I learned in the business. I can almost promise there will be more in-depth discussion on this topic in the future.


~ Ryan Sainio

Intro Music - "We Came Down" fea. Thotem by...

Dec 5, 2014

Back in 2006 I was in a high school poetry class and I wrote this poem.

For the longest time I agreed with people that said it would make a good spoken word poem, but I never got it off my podcast to-do list.

Today I present a message to my future wife.


Dec 3, 2014

I take a second out of my drive home to think about my dream girl, as I see her in 2014. A topic I haven't touched since Episode 49.

Thank you and enjoy.

~ Ryan Sainio

Intro Music - "We Came Down" fea. Thotem by Superpoze

Ryan's Dream Girl Oct....