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The Sainio Cast

Nov 27, 2015

Ryan was lucky enough to host a panel on podcasting this last weekend and the results were eventful to say the least.

How do you start a podcast?

How do you keep doing a podcast?

What is the hardest part?

How do you open up and how do you find your voice?

Most of these will be answered today!


~ Ryan Sainio


Nov 13, 2015

In this episode of The Sainio Cast, I will be covering 5 different topics in an attempt to get some ideas rolling in my head.

1) The Podcasting Panel I will hosting next week at Daisho Con.

2) My television viewing.

3) Married Life

4) Comics



~ Ryan Sainio

Intro Music - "We Came Down" fea. Thotem...

Nov 3, 2015

On today's episode, the new Mr. and Mrs. Sainio talk about their separate bachelor and bachelorette parties. And then continue to break down the series of events that were their wedding, the highs, the lows, stress and the dancing.


~ Ryan Sainio

Intro Music - "We Came Down" fea. Thotem by...